Contact Information
Phone (Toll Free): (800) 622-0828
Phone: (325) 235-5494
Fax: (325) 235-4672

Certificate #4084.01
Our Online Customer Portal for Service

Our Service Center at the Ludlum Measurements' main facility in Sweetwater, Texas provides calibration and repair service to all Ludlum instruments, plus calibration services to over 150 different non-Ludlum radiation detection instruments. We process over 500 instruments every week to customers who demand world class service, extensive experience, quick turnarounds, and low-cost solutions.
- Over 20 Technicians & Calibrators
- 5400 sq. ft. Factory Service Center
- 3 Calibration Ranges
- Fully Tooled Workstations
- Extensive Repair Parts Inventory
- ISO 17025 & 9001 Certified
- NIST Traceability
- ANSI N323 Compliance
- Full Engineering Support
How Does the Process Work?
Return Material Authorization numbers are not required to send instruments to Ludlum for repair or calibration. However, we do require:
- An email or fax of the Instrument Return Form (IRF) prior to shipment (see below).
- A copy of the completed IRF to be placed in each box with the instrument(s) to be shipped.
If appropriate documentation is not included, the desired service will be delayed until the proper paperwork is received.
If your instrument requires repair, describe the issue in the "Special Instructions" section of the IRF. Once we receive your instrument, our technician will diagnose the problem and then contact you with a no-charge repair estimate and request your approval to proceed. If you decide not to have the repair work done, we will return the instrument to you at no charge or dispose of it for you.
When we have finished the calibration and/or repairs, we will send you a proforma invoice so that you can either issue a purchase order or pay online by credit card. Once we have received payment, we will package your instrument(s) and return them to you via UPS, FedEx, or DHL.
Instrument Return Form (IRF)
Please select the appropriate form based on your location.
- Instrument Return Form - USA (PDF format)
- Instrument Return Form - International (English) (PDF format)
- Instrument Return Form - International (Spanish) (PDF format)
(Forms are fillable when downloaded and viewed with Adobe Acrobat)
IMPORTANT: Clearly denote on the IRF if the calibration certificate is to be made out to another party. Re-writing calibration certificates will incur additional charges.

Ludlum Measurements' Calibration Departments in Sweetwater, TX and Knoxville, TN are accredited by A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation) in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 standards. (See Our Certifications tab for more info).
A standard Ludlum calibration includes:
- One (1) Detector
- "As Found" Readings
- Two (2) Points per Range
- NIST Traceability
- ANSI N323 Compliance
- Two (2) Efficiencies, If Requested
- Routine Battery Contact Cleaning, Where Applicable
Additional calibration requirements may incur extra fees. Examples include: additional detectors, efficiencies, gas charging, etc.
Calibration Fees
Calibration fees vary depending on the model of the instrument, number of detectors, customer requirements, etc. The table below lists the fees for common Ludlum instruments. Please note that calibrations with multiple detectors will incur additional fees. If your instrument is not listed below, please contact us for pricing.
- All prices are for domestic (USA) customers only. Contact us for international pricing.
- Exposure rate calibrations are performed using a 137Cs source.
- Return Material Authorizations (RMAs) are not required.
- Prices are subject to change - please contact us for current pricing.
Calibrations with 226Ra
Calibrations with 226Ra are not included in our ISO/IEC 17025 certification. We can offer calibrations with 226Ra, but they will not be ISO/IEC 17025 certified.
To view the calibration sources included in our certification, please see our ISO/IEC 17025 certificate.
Pricing Effective Date: September 1, 2024
Model | Description | Fee |
3 | Survey Meter | $85 |
5 | Geiger Counter | $105 |
6 | Geiger Counter | $85 |
9 | Ion Chamber | $100 |
9-3 | Ion Chamber | $110 |
9-4 | Ion Chamber | $150 |
9-7 | Ion Chamber | $180 |
9DP Series |
Ion Chamber (if chamber is received pressurized) * |
$180 |
9DP Series |
Ion Chamber (if chamber is received unpressurized) |
$210 |
* Note: 9DP and 9DP* instruments with pressurized chambers are considered HAZMAT | ||
12 | Survey Meter | $85 |
12-4 | Neutron Dose Survey Meter | $200 |
14C | Survey Meter | $105 |
15 | Neutron Dose Survey Meter (neutron detector and other external detector) |
$215 |
19 | microR Survey Meter | $85 |
23 Series |
Electronic Personal Dosimeter | $75 |
25 Series |
Personal Radiation Monitor | $150 |
26 Series |
Frisker | $135 |
30-4 | Neutron Survey Meter | $250 |
30-6 | Extended Reach microR Survey Meter | $240 |
78 | Stretch Scope | $150 |
79 | Stretch Scope | $165 |
177 | Benchtop Counter | $110 |
192 | microR Survey Meter | $100 |
193 | microR Survey Meter | $100 |
193-6 | Extended Reach microR Survey Meter | $120 |
375 | Area Monitor Controller | $110 |
375/2 | Area Monitor | $110 |
375/4 | Area Monitor | $110 |
375-9 | Area Monitor | $180 |
500 |
Pulse Generator | $150 |
2000 | Scaler | $120 |
2200 | Scaler/Ratemeter | $120 |
2221 | Scaler/Ratemeter | $120 |
2224 | Scaler/Ratemeter | $120 |
2241 | Scaler/Ratemeter | $110 |
2241-2 | Scaler/Ratemeter | $110 |
2241-3 | Scaler/Ratemeter | $110 |
2241-4 | Neutron Dose Survey Meter |
calibration with 252Cf: add $50
2350 | Data Logger |
additional settings: $60
2360 | Data Logger | $180 |
2363 with 42-41L | Neutron Dose Survey Meter | $230 |
2401 Series | Pocket Size Survey Meter | $85 |
2402 | Pocket Size Survey Meter | $85 |
2403 | Pocket Size Survey Meter | $85 |
2929 | Alpha-Beta Scaler | $180 |
3000 |
Survey Meter |
additional detector: $30 each
3001 | Survey Meter |
additional detector: $30 each
3002 | Alpha-Beta Survey Meter |
additional detector: $30 each
3003 | Survey Meter |
additional detector: $30 each
3006 | Extended Reach microR Survey Meter | $180 |
3014 | Survey Meter |
additional detector: $30 each
3030 | Alpha-Beta Sample Counter | $180 |
3030P | Alpha-Beta Sample Counter | $180 |
3276 | Multipurpose Digital Meter | $150 |
4612 | 12 Channel Benchtop Counter |
additional boards: $40 each
4901P | Hand & Shoe Monitor | $240 |